Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in New York

i have filed a case with the eeoc of buffalo ny.i was told thaat this case was gonna take years. i was wondering if i could have my case replace/transfered to a lawyer seeing as how the impression i got was they were gonna take there time to investigate the matter .which i think would really be a bad idea not to mention unfair.this case is based on sexual harassement discrimination unfaair treatment and retaliation.

Asked on 9/27/10, 11:29 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Paula McGill Attorney at Law

There are benefits to letting the EEOC investigate the matter, including relatively free discovery. Moreover, the information the EEOC uses can be a springboard for further discovery in court. Additionally, if there is a legally recognizable discrimination case, the EEOC may take the case and represent you. At the least, you may get a finding of discrimination at the conclustion of the investigation.

In any event, if you cannot wait, you can request a right to sue letter after six months. One way to determine what to do is to take your file to an experienced employment discrimination lawyer. S(he) can tell you if you have a strong enough case to move forward before the EEOC finishes.


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Answered on 10/02/10, 3:18 pm

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