Jenice Malecki

Malecki Law

Attorneys in Firm – 4
In today�s world, whether you are an individual, an employee or a business, the law is used as both a shield and a sword. The practice of law must continually adapt to meet clients� changing needs, as well as to assist them in finding the most appropriate manner in which to conduct their lives and businesses. MALECKI LAW believes it is an important responsibility to help clients find the most appropriate solution to the issues and problems that face them. The core of this office�s practice is in the securities and banking industries, with other significant practice in commercial litigation, corporate and small business issues and offerings, technology and real estate matters.
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(212) 943-1233
11 Broadway, Suite 715 New York NY 10004

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LawGuru Attorney

Areas of Practice

  • Business Law
  • Computer & Technology Law
  • Intellectual Property
  • Investment Law
  • Securities Law

States of Practice

  • New York