Michael Eisenberg
Law Office of Michael D.J. Eisenberg, Attorney and Counselor at Law
Attorneys in Firm – 1Mr. Eisenberg's areas of practice include Federal Appellate Law, Federal Employee Employment Issues (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Merrit Systems Protection Board, and Office of Workers' Compensation Program - Mr. Eisenberg can appear in any jurisdiction on this subject), Veterans' Law (Mr. Eisenberg can appear in any jurisdiction on this subject), Social Security Appeals (Mr. Eisenberg can appear in any jurisdiction on this subject), Military Law (again, Mr. Eisenberg can appear in any jurisdiction on this subject).
Mr. Eisenberg prides himself on his reputation for prompt, clear communication with his clients, and everyone he deals with. He can present your case with professional dedication and persistence that produces results. You will always know how your case is progressing, and he will make sure that you understand the legal requirements every step of the way.

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Administrative Law
- Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation
- Labor and Employment Law
- Military Law
- Social Security Law
- Veterans Law
- Workers' Compensation Law
States of Practice
- Alaska
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- District of Columbia
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Guam
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Massachusetts
- Maryland
- Maine
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Montana
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- New York
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Virgin Islands
- Vermont
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
Countries of Practice
- United States
Michael Eisenberg has answered 155 questions
More Michael Eisenberg answers
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- I was honorably discharged in 1991 following a MEB and then rated... 3/06/12, 12:38 pm United States Idaho Military Law
- When I came back from vietnam I was all mess up when I got to my ... 1/08/12, 8:15 am United States Kansas Military Law
- I am a 90% disabled vet.I have been denied TDIU 3 times since 200... 10/11/11, 1:42 pm United States Virginia Veterans Law
- my husband is being chapter-ed out and he was just put in for the... 3/13/11, 4:31 pm United States North Carolina Military Law
- My boss to me today that I cant apply for a promotion and that I ... 10/08/10, 12:37 pm United States Pennsylvania Military Law