Legal Question in Business Law in California

i joined a foreign company after they responded DIRECTLY through from an ad i responded to. it was a co looking to set up as an LLC and they asked me to research what was needed & office locations. then, they asked me to receive payments for them. i signed a contract, was hired as a foreign worker to their country & have a copy of their foreign business license. i even spoke to several HR reps, did a personality test and everything. i now believe it's all fake. the problem is i have received wire transfers for them and forwarded it on to their bank account. i've refused to do it now, but now don't know how to proceed legally. can you help?

Asked on 8/31/10, 3:06 pm

4 Answers from Attorneys

Call the police, and best of luck.

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Answered on 9/05/10, 3:27 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

It sounds like a scam. Some or all of the deposits you received will turn out to be invalid. You will then have to return the money, and you won't be able to get any money back from the "employer". People who fall for this scam are often ruined as a result; hopefully you won't be.

Notify the police, the FBI, and

Good luck.

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Answered on 9/05/10, 4:31 pm
Bryan Whipple Bryan R. R. Whipple, Attorney at Law

I think Mr. Hoffman is correct, but it could also be an illegal money laundering operation. In any case, report it to the police and to the bank involved.

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Answered on 9/05/10, 8:55 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Good luck! You're going to need it. This is almost certainly a 'Nigerian check scam' and you will find none of the 'deposits' is good, leaving you on the hook to the banks for the overdrafts. Hope it wasn't so much money that you are driven into bankruptcy. File a police report, for all the good it will do, since the non-existent 'company' is overseas.

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Answered on 9/06/10, 1:32 pm

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