Legal Question in Construction Law in California

Change orders on public contracts

I'm a recently indocterated Electrical contractor. I recieved an Invetation for Bid on a public works project. On this IFB there are a few items not ''directly'' requested to price and install, but as an electrician and I have worked in the trade for several years, know that these parts are required. By ommit those items not ''directly'' requested, and If I get awarded the contract. Later find my asumptions were correct. Can I submit a change order to incorporate those changes?

Your decisive replys would be greatly apprichated

Asked on 9/11/08, 6:45 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Change orders on public contracts

I would insert the items not directly requested separately at the end of your offer, to let them know that they should be done and at what price your propose to do them. Your bid does not have to include their price. If they offer you the job I would then request that the items not directly requested be made part of your bid. That way you may not need to submit a change order.

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Answered on 9/11/08, 7:37 pm

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