Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

pc273a (a)

a friend of mine left her 1 year old son alone for about 10 minutes. another friend of ours went over and watched the little boy but left about 5 minutes before CPS and the police showed up (due to an anonomous tip). when the parents got back, it had totaled up to about 40 minutes of the child being alone. the house was a mess due to them moving and such and both parents got arrested and charged with pc273a. they both bailed out and are now going through trials. they are doing parenting classes and having visitations with their son. what is the worst and best case scenario for them and what would happen with their son if they went back to jail? this is the mother's first time offense as well.

Asked on 12/27/08, 8:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Lyle Johnson Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law

Re: pc273a (a)

The potential sentence is county jail as misdemeanor and state prison as a felony, with the minimum sentence 2 years and the max 6 years. From the facts you have presented county jail is the most probable result. If they receive county jail the court may stagger their sentences so that one of them is out of jail while the other is in jail.

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Answered on 1/03/09, 10:45 pm

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