Legal Question in Family Law in California

Father got temp. custody after filing a Show of good cause or whatever after be

For the past 3 years I have been divorced from my ex husband and I have had custody of my kids. A year ago I attempted to commit suicide because of the bad situation I was in and also me being Bi-polar didnt help. My exhusband is not over me and has been controlling me for years.The past 10 months or so me and my ex had a verbal agreement that he would take care of the kids while I was mentally sick and got treatment and when I got better he would give me the kids back. When I finally got better I told him I wanted them. He went and got a Order to show good cause. Now that I am with this wonderful man my ex husband realizes that he has no control over me because my boyfriend has opened my eyes to what he has been doing to me. In his Order to show good cause he did not attach the info. regarding me having custody of the kids and put in there that the kids have been with him for the past 10 months and that I have attempted suicide and I am unstable but I am not. For the past 10 months I have been stable and have been to some counseling and even have a note from one of them saying that I am capable of taking care of my kids. I dont have money for a lawyer, he has one.

Asked on 8/17/00, 1:18 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Lyle Johnson Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law

Re: Father got temp. custody after filing a Show of good cause or whatever afte

You need to have an attorney represent you. If you cannot hire an attorney prior to the OSC, to the hearing and explain that you need to hire an attorney, but that you do not have the money to pay for the attorney. then ask the court to order him to pay for you attorney.

If you can file a response to the OSC prior to the hearing, requesting that he pay attorney fees, it will give him the necessary notice of you request for attorney fees. If you do not file the response the court may continue the hearing, and delay the case.

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Answered on 9/22/00, 6:21 pm

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