Legal Question in Intellectual Property in California

My voice was recorded for a business phone while my husband was working as a hotel Manager, 5 years ago he was let go. The business has continued to use my voice on their phone without my permission. Should I be able to request monetary compensation for the use of my voice?

Asked on 1/24/10, 6:17 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Elizabeth Karnazes New York Offices of Elizabeth Karnazes


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Answered on 1/30/10, 2:33 am
Bryan Whipple Bryan R. R. Whipple, Attorney at Law

If you were a celebrity with an easily-recognized voice that someone might pay you to record and use, the answer could very well be yes. The problem here is that if the hotel refused to compensate you and/or refused to stop using your voice, you would have no viable remedy; a suit for misappropriation of your voice would have to plead, and you'd ultimately have to prove, monetary harm, and that doesn't seem likely here. No harm, no foul.

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Answered on 1/30/10, 12:55 pm

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