Legal Question in Medical Malpractice in California

pain medication overdose

I took my 70 yr. old father to e.r. for abdominal pain. Nurse asked my dad on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad the pain was. He answered with 6 or 7. Fifteen minutes later she came back with ''big shot for pain''she said. Injected it in his I.V.,within 4 seconds he was out. I picked up his arm, it fell to the bed. I ran and yelled for help. Seconds later there were four people shifting him from bed to gurneyand raced him down the hall to another e.r. room. They were shooting him with narcan(five times to be exact)to bring him back. Once finally conscience the doctor ordered a CT scan of his brain. I asked why stating he didn't need one when he came in. The doctor said ''in case there's any damage''. I was livid!Head nurse explained to me that they gave him enough demerol for a 380lb. man and the nurse read the orders wrong and should've been IM instead of IV. Went down with him to have the CT scan done. Doctor never read the results to us.They admitted him for three more days. Months later I asked and signed for the results of CT scan. The findings were 1.Atrophy and the rest I couldn't understand. I also requested the x-rays themselves and have them. Where do I go from here? Any help is appreciated.

Asked on 1/02/04, 12:29 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Armen Tashjian Law Offices of Armen M. Tashjian

Re: pain medication overdose

The part where you described the medical negligence is clear. However, you did not provide any information bout the damages.

What happened to your father? Is he alive? Has he suffered some irreparable harm?

Unless, I know the extent of the damage, I cannot gove you a proper opinion. Please email if you are inteersted in discussing this further.

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Answered on 1/02/04, 8:28 pm

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