Legal Question in Real Estate Law in California

weekend Renters in residential area

Good Morning

I live in a very quit neighborhood. A

new neighbor bought a home next

door. It is his second home ,so much

of the time he is not their. However

he has been renting his home out on

the weekends for weddings and

parties . It usually has disturbed

neighbors and myself. When we

confronted him he denies it and says

his son stays their sometimes on the

weekends. However we have

confronted the renters and they are

always different parties unrelated to

one another. Is their a law where

you can not rent out your home in a

residental area? Thank you for any




Asked on 8/19/08, 12:07 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Roy Hoffman Law Offices of Roy A. Hoffman

Re: weekend Renters in residential area

No, unless your community has some city or county ordinance which would prohibit the activity. Property owners can generally do whatever they wish with their property so long as it does not create a nuisance to their neighbors. If the level of disturbance substantially affects that value of the neighboring properties, you may be able to sue the owner and obtain an injunction againt the conduct.

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Answered on 8/19/08, 12:41 pm

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