Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Colorado

is this the typical process involved with an assault case

i was assaulted in another town, the officer went to the hospital took my witnesses statements, and took my clothes and my friends shoe that had my blood. they didnt contact the two who assaulted my until two days later, didn't get their clothes or statements until five days later. now the officer says my friends statements do not match the two's who attacked me so they need to give another statement. i didn't think that these statements should match or there would be no need for the courts. anyway i got out of the hospital last night where i had two metal plates surgically placed in my jaw, and the officer called my uncle to say if i don't write out a statement i will be arrested. he said to write out a statement and he will pick it up in the morning. i have never been in trouble and currently work as a corrections officer, this is why i never fought back. the officer says my witnesses are lying and that i started the altercation, even though i was attacked from behind. is this typical or can i do something about it please help

Asked on 1/11/08, 12:01 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: is this the typical process involved with an assault case

This is typical when an officer either believes you are lying or is trying to test your credibility by using his own lies about what other witnesses said. If you are the victim and police were unable to take a statement because you were incapacitated by your injuries, they will naturally want a statement from you, to use against your attackers.

If there is any doubt in your mind that you were the victim, or if you think you are about to be charged, write no statement that may be used against you. If you are charged, lawyer up.

Good luck.

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Answered on 1/11/08, 12:53 am

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