Legal Question in Family Law in Colorado


My child father made alot of promises to me to get me to sign guardainship papers of our child to his parent. One of which was for all of us to move to another state. He moved first taking our daughter with him. It was in agreement that I stay and let the other children finish up school in our home state. After he relocated he informed me that he was leaving me. Can I file fraud charges against him and his parents? Can I file kidnapping charges against him and his parents due to fraud? I have already filed for alloocation of parental rights. And ask for a motion to withdrawl guardianship with the magistrate.(note the other children are from another relationship) What are my rights in this issue? How do I proceed from here?

Asked on 5/30/04, 5:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

The Harris Law Firm, P.C The Harris Law Firm, P.C.

Re: Fraud

Thank you for your inquiry. My name is Tawni Cummings and I am a family law attorney with the Harris Law Firm.

I am sorry to hear about the problems you are experiencing with your child's father. It

sounds like a difficult situation. It is really not possible, however, for me to advise you what your specific rights are, and what steps you should take, without knowing more about your situation. What course of action you take is going to be dependent on a number of factors, including how long your child has lived out of the state of Colorado, what documents, if any, have been filed with the court, what Orders, if any, the Court has entered thus far, etc. It would be advisable for you to consult with an attorney in person, so that you may discuss your situation in greater depth. If you would like, I would be happy schedule a time to discuss your situation with you. If this is something you would like to do, feel free to contact our new client coordinator, Katie, at the email address below.

Best of luck to you,

Tawni L. Cummings, Esq.


DISCLAIMER: No attorney - client relationship exists, or is in any way created by, this e-mail communication. The general information given is intended to be a starting point only by describing general aspects of the law - it is important that you consult with an attorney with regard to your specific legal rights.

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Answered on 6/01/04, 11:09 am

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