Legal Question in Personal Injury in Colorado

School Waiver

Our local high school wants us to sign a waiver for participation in sports. The last paragraph reads: ''I further state that in signing this insurance waiver form we absolve the school district of any liability for any accident that may occur during school related activities.'' Am I reading to much into this or would I be correct in not wanting to sign this? The way I read it says I'm releasing them from ANY responsibility for ANY accident that occurs while my child is in the school environment whether it is sports related or not. I understand that kids can get injured while participating in sports but this seems to be me to be taking it much further than that. Any input on this subject would be appreciated. Thanks.

Asked on 8/15/07, 6:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: School Waiver

You're correct in not wanting to sign it. But you should also know that many liability waivers like this are invalidated in the courts. The clauses generally protect schools against injuries incurred in the sports programs, but not in unrelated injuries.

You should also know that your kids are only going to go through high school once. If you are prepared to accept the risks inherent in the sport your child will play, that's basically the ball game. Why worry about a risk unrelated to sports? If a teacher disappointed in your child's scholastic performance blames it on the sport, and so throws a math book at his or her head, no liability waiver will protect against a lawsuit.

Good luck, to your kid and to the team.

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Answered on 8/27/07, 10:36 pm

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