Legal Question in Personal Injury in Connecticut

wage garnishment how long?

My friend is facing a judgement against him resulting from a motor vehicle accident. he doesn't make a whole lot of money and also has family( a son) responcibilities. what can he do when he recieves this monetary judgment against

him? it may be substaintial since this is a wrongfull death

case. if wages are garnished, what percent does he pay or

does he get to keep? he has no assets. how long can they garnish wages? years? if his insurance company already paid

a settlement how does this affect the judgement against him.

there should be no bases for punitive action here. we really need to know what we might be facing down the road in terms of paying the judgment.

Asked on 6/24/04, 8:20 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James Aspell Law Office of James F. Aspell, PC

Re: wage garnishment how long?

I'm assuming he does not have insuarnce or insufficient insurance to cover this loss. Quite honestly, my suggestion would be to simply discharge the debt via a chapter 7 bankruptcy. I do them for $709 which includes the court fees. It does not sound like your friend ha much in the way of assets. the beasuty of a bankruptcy is that you get to lose the debt yet keep your belongings.

I'm assuming this is not a DWI accident.

Please call me if I can be of help.


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Answered on 6/24/04, 11:28 pm

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