Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

I was arrested in 1995 in Florida and charged with bringing drugs into the country. I was innocent, and the facts surounding the matter are too long to list here and i can explain further if asked. I was able to prove this at the time.The lawyer my aunt hired was paid alot of money to argue the case and i was not present during my arraignment as well as other court dates because i live in CT. He aparently pled on my behalf no contest ( he was not supposed to do that) and told me i would not have a record after C.S. and a probation period. He was paid a great deal of money and I was a kid and oblivious to all of it. I am now 34. I work in human services for the past 12 years. I work with "at risk youth" in a group home setting. I teach Life Skill to teens and mentor and council youth that are DCF committed. i'm a mother and a good citizen. I was recently denied for a public service endorsment on my license,(required for my job) due to this. I had no clue I had this record in FL. I was floored.My ability to support my child depends on this endorsment as it is a new requirement in my feild. I heard i could possibly get a pardon or have my record expunged. I have never been in trouble outside of this. Is this possible?

Asked on 11/13/09, 3:27 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Sure, it's possible, depending on the sentence and the exact crime to which you "pled." Call me or email me and I can help you.

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Answered on 11/18/09, 3:38 pm
Craig Epifanio Craig Epifanio, P.A.

You may be eligible to get the charge expunged. It depends on several factors. Among them is the actual charge that you pled no contest to, whether you convicted then, and whether you have been convicted of anything else since then. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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Answered on 11/18/09, 7:04 pm

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