Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

I wrote a check for $24 My husband is it is girlfriend took all my money out of my account They change my mailing address so I was informed so when I got my information I took it down to the sheriff's office and I got booked then and then I paid everything the day that day. They told me instead of going in front of the judge just pay everything so I did now I filled out an application for a job and it said have you ever been convicted and I put no and they didn't hire because I put no.It was in 07. can I do anything?

Asked on 5/29/13, 9:42 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joseph Justice The Justice Law Firm

You should consult with an attorney to double check, but it does not sound like you were ever convicted. However if you were arrested the arrest will show up on your record. The only way to remove the arrest is to have it sealed or expunged.

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Answered on 5/29/13, 9:45 am

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