Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida

Do I have a retaliation lawsuit?

A co-worker complained of race discrimination against our supervisor regarding her performance appraisal.

Another co-worker and myself wrote a statement in support of the co-worker that made the complaint explaining that we all work together as a team and we work equally and she truly was an asset to our team.

The day after the statements were written our supervisor approached myself and the other individual that wrote a statement and said if we did not distance ourselves from the complaining employee that ''our careers could be damaged''.

3 weeks later I was suspended by the same supervisor after I requested to know why I was not informed of a management trainee program. The reason for the suspension was never made clear to me.

I over a 3 week period after the statements were written I have had my career threatned, been suspended, placed on 2 additional warnings.

My supervisor's boss admitted to me that my suspension was ''handled improperly''

I contacted the company's EEO department and have received no assistance. I have also filed a retaliation charge against the company w/the EEOC.

Asked on 5/11/02, 12:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Do I have a retaliation lawsuit?

The federal anti-discrimination laws that protect employees from race discrimination also protect other employees who simply report discriminatory activities or who stand up in support of other employee's federally protected rights. One need not be a member of the protected catagory or even have been a victim of direct discrimination themselves to envoke these protections. One could be retaliated against when standing up for what they perceived to be discrimination, even when in fact there was no discrimination. While I do not have all the facts in your case, from the few facts you have given, it appears you may have been retaliated against. Filing a charge with the EEOC was the correct first step to protect your rights. Please send me an e-mail if you any specific questions I can help you with.

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Answered on 5/13/02, 9:26 am

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