Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida

Lease Option to Buy

We are trying to write up a Lease to Purchase Option Agreement. We would like to include the following. -Closing by July, 2008. (8 months)

-Rent in the amount of $9,600 for the 8 months will apply toward purchase price (Starting from the day of agreement).

-$8,800 ($1,800 original deposit plus additional $7,000). Will apply toward purchase price.

-$8,800 deposit is non-refundable if closing does not happened by closing date.

-Agreement is between purchaser/tenant and is transferable.

-Seller is not responsible for any Financing Disclaimer. It is the buyer's responsibility for obtaining financing.

-Buyer is responsible for own closing costs.

Can you help us worded so it's legal. If you have a generic lease available that we can use ? Please advise. We appreciate any help. Thank you in advance for your assistance

Asked on 12/10/07, 9:51 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott R. Jay Law Offices of Scott R. Jay

Re: Lease Option to Buy

NOTE: This communication is not intended as and should not be interpreted as legal advice. Rather, it is intended solely as a general discussion of legal principles. You should not rely on or take action based on this communication without first presenting ALL relevant details to a competent attorney in your jurisdiction and then receiving the attorney's individualized advice for you. By reading the "Response" to your question or comment, you agree that the opinion expressed is not intended to, nor does it, create any attorney-client relationship, nor does it constitute legal advice to any person reviewing such information, nor will it be considered an attorney-client privileged communication. If you do not agree, then stop right here, and do not read any further.

This forum is not set up to provide free legal work for anyone. Its purpose is to answer simple legal questions.

You will need to retain an attorney to make sure your lease with option to purchase is written properly. It is not a simple instrument and even many attorneys do not know to properly draft them so as to protect your interests. It would be a serious mistake to attempt to do this without the aid of a qualified real estate attorney.

Scott R. Jay, Esq.

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Answered on 12/11/07, 1:44 am

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