Legal Question in Employment Law in Georgia

Can you fire someone for getting pregnant once they have already started working there? And if it is possible they have had a miscarrage to still fire them?

Asked on 7/27/09, 9:46 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Gregory Fidlon Law Offices of Gregory R. Fidlon, P.C.

If you can show that pregnancy was the reason for the termination, then you would have a claim for violation of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. If this the case, you should consult with an attorney, such as myself, specializing in labor and employment law in Georgia.

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Answered on 8/01/09, 10:03 am

No, an employer cannot fire someone because they are pregnant at the time of hiring or have become pregnant after hiring. Even if the employer claims that the reason you were fired had nothing to do with your pregnancy, it may be possible to show that your firing was merely a pretext to get rid of a pregnant employee.

Furthermore, if your employer has downgraded your job responsibilities, lowered the quality of your work environment, and/or has been hostile towards you, you may have a claim for sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

If you have any further questions, please contact me. Even if you choose not to contact me, I urge you to contact an attorney soon because any claim you may have is time-sensitive.

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Answered on 8/03/09, 1:45 pm

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