Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Iowa

We rented our house out in Jesup, IA. In Sept 09 our Tenant said she couldnt pay for Sept 09 rent or any other months rent but wanted to stay. I said you have 30 days to get out or pay me. I also gave the a Notice to Pay or Quit. They were out by the first of Oct 09. Our neighbor, went over the day after they moved out and found a growing set up in our well house and small dried up pot plants in solo cups. There was also a growing room in the basement with pot leaves that we found on the paint cans down there. There was also more of the same in the barn and barn loft. I took pictures as well and had the Sheriff come out and make a report. Lots of junk and filty in the house as well. Sheriff said they cant investigate because they are living out of the area. They are in Fort Myers, Florida now. They owe us lots of money and I want to sue her. Do I file a case in Iowa or Florida? Florida's small case limit is $5000 and they are over 6500 now. With each month that goes up because she had a 1 year lease that was broken. Will this be a civil case?

Asked on 11/05/09, 11:08 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Luedeman solo practitioner

Yes, it could be filed in Iowa but the chances of collecting an Iowa judgment in Florida are slim to none.

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Answered on 11/10/09, 10:47 pm

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