Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Kentucky

pharmacist boyfriend (now ex-husband) addicted girlfriend to stolen morphine

husband (now ex) is pharmacist and was working as a hospital in TN where he took morphine from the drips for cancer paceints so that I would become addicted (and did, as I was much younger and spent much time in Costa Rica). He admitted doing this to keep me around and dependent upon him. Several years later we had a child and married and I am clean now but morphine distroyed my life and having since divorced him am wondering if I am entitled to compensation for this.

Asked on 5/05/07, 10:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Regina Mullen Legal Data Services, PLC

Re: pharmacist boyfriend (now ex-husband) addicted girlfriend to stolen morphine

Eh...other than getting him sent to jail, it's YOUR addiction, not his.

The fact that he stole and broke all sorts of laws means he's more than likely headed for jail, not giving you money.

IF you can prove that he created an intentional addiction, that's different, but that's a huge jump for an attorney to make in court.

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Answered on 5/07/07, 4:47 pm

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