Legal Question in Business Law in Maryland

Temporary assignment to different job

I am a full-time employee at a market research firm. My job is to monitor the phone calls at a call center to make sure the employees are following approved procedures. Due to a weather emergency that shut down a call center in another state, our center suddenly needed to make more calls to meet production goals. I, along with other employees, was required to spend part of the day making calls (this is not a job function we normally do). I make $16.00 an hour; the interviewers I monitor make a minimum of $16.75 an hour. For those hours that I work as an interviewer making calls, instead of as a monitor, can the company continue to pay me $16.00 an hour, or are they required to pay me the $16.75 which is the minimum rate that interviewers make? (I was not given a choice as to whether I wanted to work as an interviewer; I was told I had to do this for the duration of the business emergency). This temporary assignment to the interviewer position for part of my work day may last four or five weeks.

Asked on 9/26/08, 10:30 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Sher Wagshal and Sher

Re: Temporary assignment to different job

Unless you are subject to some union contract controlling the wages, it's totally within the company's discretion. You should certainly discuss it with the powers that be if it turns out to be a long term assignment, but it would be up to them if they want to keep you happy.

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Answered on 9/30/08, 5:08 pm

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