Legal Question in Consumer Law in Michigan

I hired a roofer to re-roof my home. He tore off the shingles, and plywooded the roof, he did not shingle a thing up there. I paid him over half of what I owed him and he disappeared. He left most of his equiptment at my house, in my garage. My question is am I responsible for his items although I call him and he doesn't return my calls. I have texted him and he kept saying he was coming in the morning and never does come. My roof has nothing but plywood on it (now a week) and if it rains it will completely drench my house. We didn't really have a contract, just a small agreement that he would charge a certain amount and I would pay. I have the receipts from payments, but he kept the agreement paper. What am I legally able to do?

Asked on 8/17/10, 3:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Shelly Schellenberg MI & FL private practice

First, mitigate the potential damage to your home by having a different roofer put tarps over the roof, to keep the rain out. Then, send Roofer #1 a registered letter telling him that he has 10 days to get the roof job moving again, and 20 days to finish the job, and to take his tools with him. You will have given him the opportunity to make good on his promise. If he doesn't respond, hire a different roofer to finish the job. If Roofer #2 charges you more than 1/2 of Roofer #1's quote, you could sue Roofer #1 for the difference. But, don't count on collecting because it is very possible that Roofer #1 is in jail. You may hear from him regarding his tools, and possibly be able to settle up then. If another 30 days go by, without word from Roofer #1, contact a general practice attorney. If Roofer #1 is licensed, you may have recourse through the Michigan DLEG department of licensing. Make sure that Roofer #2 is licensed, and have him check the work that roofer #1 did. Get a contract, in writing, signed by him, and keep a copy of it. Have him put his warranty in writing as well.

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Answered on 8/22/10, 5:29 pm

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