Legal Question in Criminal Law in Michigan

Animal/Child cruelty


I am desperate to find out what can be done about the killing of an

innocent kiten. My neighbor told a little six year old he was going to

kill her cat, and 20 minutes later he handed her the dead cat as she


riding her bike. She rode home with it before she realized it was

dead. The police will do nothing because he said it was an accident.

Please lead me in the right direction, he needs to pay for this trauma


this child. I love animals, and am sick over this. I am writing this

for my neighbor, whose little girl was affected. she does not have

access to a computer. I live in the State of Michigan, and the mother has

contacted animal control. they said we can not prove it was not an

accident. The problem is the perpetrator TOLD the little girl he was

going to kill the kitten, at which time he did.

Thank you,

--name removed--

[email protected]

Asked on 8/09/02, 2:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Animal/Child cruelty

I am disturbed by this. I wish I could help. It is going to be extremely difficult to prove damages. They may be able to get the value of the cat. Additionally, this may fall under IIED (intentional infliction of emotional distress), but again what are the damages. Also, does this guy have any money? Please feel free to contact me to discuss the matter further, (248) 932-3500

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Answered on 8/09/02, 3:47 pm

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