Legal Question in Family Law in Michigan


Is it possible to get a legal separation from my husband because he is an alcoholic and he has incurred to many debts that most of them I have no clue about and how he got them?

Asked on 5/20/08, 5:01 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Separation

Yes you can. For more information go to:

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Answered on 5/20/08, 5:48 pm
William Stern William Stern, P.C.

Re: Separation

You can get a separation or divorce without any grounds whatsoever. However, why get a separation instead of a divorce? It's the same amount of work and expense. William S. Stern

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Answered on 5/20/08, 8:04 pm
Audra Arndt Audra A. Arndt & Associates, PLLC

Re: Separation

Technically there is no such thing as a legal separation, but you can physically separate and petition the court for a "separate maintenance" order, the terms of which are based on the facts of your case. The order requires him to pay for certain things while you live separately, but legally you are still married.

For example, if he has always been the breadwinner and/or you have young children at home, then you will get child support, and possibly spousal support, and he will have to contribute something to the household bills. How much you will get depends on many factors, including length of marriage, age and amount of children, your income, his income, your potential to make income and how much, your health status and physical condition, whether he is abusing you (mentally or physically), etc. There is no "straight" answer, as every situation is different.

If he is continously running up debt, and some is joint debt, and you are still married to him, you are responsible for the joint debt, so you may wish to consider a divorce. Take all precautionary measures now, such as maintaing your own bank account and taking him off any credit cards where he is an authorized user, in order to protect your credit and your future.

If you decide to retain a family law lawyer, please feel free to contact me. If I am physically too far from you to assist, I can refer you to someone closer to you.


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Answered on 5/27/08, 9:33 pm

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