Legal Question in Criminal Law in Minnesota

Minor charged with 5th degree possession

What happens when a child is charged with 5th degree possession?

Asked on 12/11/08, 8:00 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Maury Beaulier612.240.8005 Minnesota Lawyers

Re: Minor charged with 5th degree possession

If you are referring ato a drug charge, it is a very serious felony that can result in a record that extends into adulthood in some circumstances such as Extended juvenile Jurisdiction.

For a FREE consultation call 612.240.8005.

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Answered on 12/14/08, 1:02 am
Thomas C. Gallagher Gallagher Criminal Defense

Re: Minor charged with 5th degree possession

Possession of what? A banned drug?

drug crimes:

drug possession:

A minor is under age 21. Do you mean a juvenile, under age 18?


For my past clients charged with a crime like this, we have set a goal of avoiding a public record, including drivers license record (if car involved), avoiding a conviction, avoiding a guilty plea, and obtaining an outcome subject to "expungement" in the future.

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Answered on 12/11/08, 9:49 pm

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