Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Minnesota

Abandoned Personal Property

1 1/2 years ago I had a casual arrangement with a aquaintance/contractor to work with me to complete a home addition. He started the work, but then reported to me he had to move out of his rented home and needed a place to store some of hie personal items (clothes, dressers, bed, washer/dryer and a trailer with other items). I let him place the items in my large garage/shed. He then stated he had a death in his family (up north in MN)and would be back. That was 1 1/2 yers ago. I have not seen him or heard from him. I have been completing the home addition myself. I want to get rid of the items taking up the space and give away the trailer (that is licensed in MN). How can I do this legally...I have attempted to phone him (no contact)and he has made no attempt to contact me or take his items. Most of his stuff is of nominal value... the trailer maybe $500. What do I need to do legally to take ownership of it or give the ownership away to someone else. I don't want this to be a problem if he ever showed up in 5 years. THANKS!

Asked on 9/26/05, 11:13 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: Abandoned Personal Property

There is a statutory procedure which must be followed.

It might be more economical to do a legal skip trace.

E-mail or call if you wish my services.

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Answered on 9/26/05, 2:57 pm

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