Legal Question in Criminal Law in Missouri

Is this police harassment and should I sue?

I need some advice on a legal situation and I have been getting a variety of suggestions and I'm so confused as to what to do. I live in Saint Louis and I have been dealing with ongoing police harassment from one officer that works for Beverly Hills Police Department. It started over the summer when I bought a 2004 Chrysler Sebring. One day I pulled onto Natural Bridge and noticed a police car cutting in and out of traffic with lights flashing. He gets behind me and pulls me over. The officer comes up to my window and and says "Let me some f**king proof that this car is yours!!!!" This amazes me and I comply and give him all of my purchase papers for my car and I also give him my license. He then asks for my insurance. I explained to him that I just got my car and I accidentally left my insurance card in my other car which is at the dealership, but I would be happy to call the insurance company and they would inform him that my car was insured. He responds by saying, "Get your god d**n insurance in the car!!!!" I asked him why does he feel the need to disrespect me when I haven't disrespected him. He then says, "Don't talk yourself into an f**king ticket!!!!" I decided to file a complaint. I actually turn my complaint into the chief of police Joe Collins. He assured me that he will talk to the officer and he will not bother me again. I thought that this was the end of it. However, I was wrong. Days later, I turn onto Natural Bridge and I see a police car racing in and out of traffic with lights flashing and pulls me over. I look up in my rear-view mirror and saw that it was the same guy that pulled me over before. It dons on me that this guy is pulling for filing a complaint against him. He comes up to my car and I said, "You know who I am and you're pulling me over for retaliation." He affirms that he didn't know who I was and didn't know anything about a complaint. The I asked him his name and he tells me his name is John Buchanan. He tells me to get out of the car. He instructs me to put my hands above my head and begins to pat me down like I'm a criminal. He tells me that I look like a drug dealer. He calls for backup and police cars come flying out of nowhere and he tells them to search my car. The officers search my car and tear it up in the process and find nothing. I go to the police station the next day to talk to the chief. The chief arrives and calls Buchanan into his office, and I realized that they were probably getting their story straight. I tell my side of the story and the chief lies to me and said that he never told Buchanan about the complaint. These incidences are harassing but it's not the worst. The worst thing that happened occurred a few weeks ago when I was about to go to work one night. My girlfriend noticed someone sitting in my driveway and then I looked out of the window. It was John Buchanan sitting in my driveway. I grab my phone and open the door to take a picture. He speeds off. I felt threatened and knew that I would have to move from the area. I decided to call the station to let Buchanan know that I saw him at my house and to stay away from my house. The secretary answers the phone and says, "Don't be talking the f**king sh*t over the phone come down here at three and tell him yourself if you're a big man!!!" I go down to the station and I see Buchanan and tell him that I seen him at my house and not to ever come to my house again. I get into my car and decided to call my landlord to let him know that I would have to move because I felt threatened. I also wanted to call Northwoods Police Department to file a police report against him. I noticed Buchanan come outside with a female officer and they started to walk up to my car. So I get out and just say again that he should stay away from my house and that's a warning because I will sue him for police harassment. He says "You're under arrest because that's a physical threat." So they arrest me for making a physical threat which I didn't. He then had my car towed. I bonded out which cost me $400, and I had to get my car out of the pound which cost me another $220. This officer made up two charges on which were disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct. I have been so stressed and depressed because I have never been arrested for anything. Now, I'm in the process of moving far away from this area because I don't know what this guy is capable of. Please can someone give me some legal advice and should I sue. If I sue, for how much and do you think I could win. I just think these people are corrupt, and they need to be removed.

Asked on 10/17/10, 3:10 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

You may have a viable law suit. But, if you really just want resolution, write your story and take if to the St. Louis television stations. They may follow up and prevent this from happening to others.

Good luck

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Answered on 10/25/10, 9:02 pm

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