Legal Question in Personal Injury in Missouri
I was falsely accused of elder abuse, I am the primary caretaker of both my grandparents, grandpa had alzheimers when his daughter [ who works for missouri dhs] found out i was their agent poa on their advanced health care directives she made hotline call to her pal, I was found guilty without a trial and without any kind of a investigation. state took temporary custody, igrnored his health directive, gave him a aka, he only lived 80 days under their care and on my permanent record is elder abuse
Asked on 9/27/10, 12:38 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Anthony Smith
You did not ask a question. Therefore, no one has responded thus far. Perhaps if you repost your fact pattern and at least indicate what you are seeking, somone can help.
Good luck
Answered on 10/04/10, 11:22 am