Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

my boyfriends ex-wife recieves 186.00 a week in child support. He also gives her half of everything she wants for the kids for the sports, school, etc. We are getting behind on our own bills. She makes more than he does and has no rent or mortgage to pay. She also wants to get the kids braces. (that they do NOT need) and, wants him to pay half of that. We just can't afford it. We take the kids over half of the time, get them hair cuts, clothes, whatever they need. Is there a way to adjust the child support at any time? Also, can we say "no" to giving money that we don't have for things the kids do not actually need, such as braces, or sports?

Asked on 7/06/11, 10:00 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Larry Raiken Larry S Raiken LLC

Your question cannot be answered in a few sentences. I suggest that you contact my office and set up an appointment.

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Answered on 7/06/11, 10:14 am

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