Legal Question in Employment Law in New Jersey

Expired non-compete and continued harrassment

My wife and I worked for a previous employer where we both singed non-compete agreements. My wife left in November of 04 and I also resigned in 6/05. Both of our non compete agreements have expired. During my first month of leaving this employer he sued me for breach of said contract. They dropped the case befor it went to court. THis was when I was working for a competitor. I recently in July of 2005 have started are own company with my brother and sis law & my wife. It is a minority owned buisness since the two wives are majority owners. Anyway, the employer is now threatning us with litigation again even though our non competes have expired. They have all along been harrassing us and trying to intimidate us by wasting our time, money and undue stress on this frivouls threat of litigation. THis same employer was at a national conference of our peers trashing our names to competitors and possible clients (wittnessed) not by us but by other agency personell who contacted us letting us know. Althought they are upset that we left isnt this now abuse of process, harrassment and libel as well as tortuous interference? I appreciate any advice you can offer as we are stressed out! THanks

Asked on 3/15/06, 7:52 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Edward Fronczkiewicz, Jr. Miksch and Fronczkiewicz

Re: Expired non-compete and continued harrassment

To me it sounds like your former employer is angry about you becoming a competitor.

Perhaps they feel betrayed by your actions.

Even if they do feel betrayed, that does not justify their actions .

You did not state what statements were made at the trade show. If they were making false and inaccurate statements about you, your wife and the new business to potential customers, you may have a cause of action.

If you would like to discuss you options in this case, please feel free to drop me an email, [email protected], or click on my �Attorney Profile Page� for my other contact info.


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Answered on 3/15/06, 8:53 pm

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