Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York

About 4 years ago my wife and I were approached by a friend to have our names used to buy properties that would be managed and rented by a third party. In exchange for the use of our names we would be compensated with cash for each property that was bought in our names. We signed loan documents and power of attorney documents so that the transactions could be carried out. Around the time of the real estate market crashing, the properties went into foreclosure, but this was apparently only the tip of the iceberg. Allegedly, the lawyer who had power of attorney took our names and purchased more properties than we were aware of as well as committed title washing and insurance fraud. This all came to the attention of the DA's office and police and we were each arrested on one count of 'Scheme to Defraud in the 1st Degree'. The lawyer that had power of attorney, the third party manager as well as our friend and others were all arrested.

Our questions:

Does the DA's case hold strength?

Where can we find legal help? We don't have any money and cannot afford a star lawyer. Is there anyone out there that provides pro-bono representation?

We did not enter into these deals with Fraud in mind at all and now we are very scared. Someone! Please help!

Asked on 8/09/09, 7:20 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Locksley Wade Law Office of Locksley O. Wade

Contact the Legal Aid Society of New York and see if you qualify. If you are gainfully employed you are likely to be disqualified (more so if you own a home). Don't be penny wise and pound foolish: hire a lawyer.

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Answered on 8/15/09, 5:16 pm

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