Legal Question in Family Law in New York

Child Neglect laws in New York State

I am presently caring for a wonderful 16 year young man that had been homeless 5 months before he came to my home. His mother had created this homelessness and has since cut off his medicaid coverage. She continues to collet $120 a month in court ordered support from the boys father. I have been trying to help him get back on his feet, but both his parents want nothing to do with him. (hard to understand, but this I believe is a religious ideal) he has no money and no insurance and has, I believe, been abandoned. My question is, at 16, is his mother (the legal guardian) guilty of neglect in this case and should I report her? This kid is not any trouble, and I am astounded that though he has been in my home now for over 5 months,she has not contacted him at all. Isn't there a law against abandoning your children? I hope you can help. Again, he is a great kid, he's trying very hard to get his life together. My husband and I want to help him, but we believe his mom and dad should be responsible in some way. We have tried to get him support sent directly to him, (we went the proper paperwork to him from child support) but there has been no answer from his dad.

Asked on 3/15/98, 7:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Stacey Van Malden Stacey Van Malden, Attorney at Law

Court help for the abandoned 16 year old

YES!! You may report the parents for neglect, and you will be able to receive help from the family courtHowever, you may not be chosen by the court for placement(the court may choose a relative or foster care).However, the Court will provide some money for careand insurance for the child. The Court will alsolikely make the parents pay part of that support,if they can be found. Good Luck, and get doewn to your local family court ASAP.

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Answered on 3/20/98, 7:28 am

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