Legal Question in Civil Litigation in New York

my son has a contract with Indie Artist Music in USA. He has fallen out over contract issues and my son has decided to no longer take up offers which were made for bookings etc in USA as he feels he is unable to cope with living overseas without family support as he has OCD for which he is on medication and under specialist for.

It was his managers decision to stop all contact with our son.

A video was made by another artist which used one of our sons songs.

Lyrics,music and vocals were all created by him. Our son has had it on YouTube for sometime and this has led to his managers representative emailing him a Cease and Desist Order or he will be taken to court over its use.

His contract ends in April and he has now taken down all his material in order to make sure there is no accidental breach of their order.

What we are needing to know. Once the contract runs out in April, is our son able to use his music which he has composed while with Indie Artist, as he wishes. They have cut the cds under 'Exclusive Licence Under Indie Artist'.

Asked on 2/08/13, 3:18 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Dear sir, unfortunately this question cannot be properly answered without first reviewing the various contracts and agreements your son has with the label.

I suggest that you retain an attorney to review the relevant documents. Feel free to contact my office at your earliest convenience.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalist (dot) com

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Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.

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Answered on 2/09/13, 9:51 pm

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