Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Ohio

my landlord of four months told us if we would get out before a certain date he would not take us too court over the matter we were a month behind rent but i feel like he was black mailing us too leave so he could sell the property i told him that i could get the money shortly but now that were out he ios pressing charges on us for the money and forcefully entering when we wasnt there since that date and that we still have the property winch we have already vacated because we had some trash left there because im without a vehicle now and out of the county i have court the 18 and dont know if getting a lawyer will help at all please help asap somoene said he might of went back on are lease but i don;t know im a 21 year old guy working and in college with a baby on the way and i dont know what too do

Asked on 9/11/11, 8:42 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Eric Willison Eric Eastman Willison

In Ohio, if you can show the court that you and your landlord entered into a verbal agreement for a surrender of the apartment (meaning that you would leave early if he would not sue you for the remainder of the lease) and if you can show the court that you met the terms of the surrender agreement, then he cannot sue you for the future rent due through the end of the lease agreement.

Further, even if you did breach the lease agreement, you can argue in the Answer that you file with the court that he has "failed to mitigate damages" meaning that he is not trying to rent it out to someone else in your absence, but rather is just sitting back and trying to sell the place on the one hand while collecting rent from you on the other.

In Ohio, once he gets service of process on you (which happens when the court sends out a copy of the lawsuit to you) then you will need to file an Answer within 28 days (unless he is suing you in small claims court. In that case, you just show up and argue the case: 1) that you had a verbal surrender agreement that you complied with and/or 2) that he is not mitigating his damages. On the mitigation of damages issue, you will have the burden of proof so you will want to go by the property and take a picture or two showing that there is no "for rent" sign out front. If the place is listed with a realtor then it is likely on and you can print out the website showing the property information to show the judge that he is trying to sell it rather than rent it. Further, during cross examination after he testifies you can ask him what efforts he has made to re let the premises to someone else. Lastly you can bring in local news papers showing that he has not listed it in the classified ads as being for rent.

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Answered on 9/12/11, 7:02 am

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