Legal Question in Bankruptcy in Oregon

Am I better off not to file at all?

I am on permanent disability from my job and receive monthly disability pay. I have gradually sunk further into debt. I have about 30K in unsecured credit card debt(I admit that 10k or so is from the last couple months). I also have secured debt for a car and RV that I intend to give back to the lender(both are deep in neg. equity and will no doubt result in judgements for the differrence). I have minimal assets(all exemt)Should I file Chap. 7? If so how long should I wait do to the recent purchases? Or do nothing, stop paying on everything and let them attempt judgements on my exempt disability pay?

Asked on 8/04/99, 3:29 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Susan Freiman The Legal Clinic

Re: Am I better off not to file at all?

If you give back your car and RV, try to get a written committment from the company that they won't charge you for any deficiency.

If all your income and property is exempt, there's no need to file for bankruptcy. However, creditors can make your life very unpleasant, with phone calls, threats, and so on. If the situation gets unmanageable, go to Legal Aid for guidance.

Good luck!

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Answered on 8/06/99, 10:55 am

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