Legal Question in Business Law in Texas

I'm starting a business and the name of the company may conflict with a movie title that came out in 1994. I've looked at the trademark on the US trademarks website and it doesn't appear that my business is affected by the areas that are trademarked. How can I be 110% sure this won't come back to bite me in the future?

Asked on 6/13/10, 7:08 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Patrick Tracy Patrick J. Tracy, Esq, P.E.,

Hire a trademark or patent attorney to do a formal search for you and write an opinion regarding the mark.

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Answered on 6/14/10, 3:46 am
Kevin B. Murphy Franchise Foundations, APC

Any attorney will tell you to hire a trademark attorney. Movie titles are not usually trademarked. However, the safest approach is to do a detailed trademark search. Consult with a trademark attorney in your area for specifics.

Kevin B. Murphy, B.S., M.B.A., J.D. - Mr. Franchise

Franchise Attorney

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Answered on 6/14/10, 6:34 am

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