Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

If a case is dismissed and give 90 days to possibly reopen the case and it passes the 90 days does that mean the case is closed and finally dismissed?

Asked on 1/03/24, 1:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Cynthia Henley Cynthia Henley, Lawyer

Difficult questions. Cases can always be refiled during the statute of limitations which varies by charge. Some are 2, 3, life..... Sometimes cases are dismissed for missing witnesses that later turn up so they can be refiled; some are dismissed because of request of the complainant then that complainant say gets assaulted against so they refile (rare), etc. The 90 day reference you are making generally applies to getting felonies indicted. Generally speaking, unless you got a stern warning when it was dismissed abt refiling, it likely won't be refiled (unless you keep committing crimes) because new cases crop up daily they have to with.

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Answered on 1/19/24, 10:20 am

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