Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

I reside in TX and was married for nine years. While we were dating, I contracted Genital Herpes from him. He was, and still is, in law enforcement. We each have resided in our county for many years and he has been a part of law enforcement for nearly 18 years in our county. Neither of us had legal representation for our divorce hearing. To me, it's obvious in his case, but I wasn't able to afford an attorney and still lived in the house with him. I made an attempt to bring up the herpes issue during the hearing and stated to the judge that since my soon to be ex knew at least one other person (a coworker) in the court room, I felt it would be best if the judge could look at my paperwork discussing the issue. The judge didn't even respond to my request. Actually, she didn't look at anything I had to present. I didn't realize until after I had married this man that he knew all along he had this disease. I even once asked him about it and he denied having it. This was shortly after we began dating and I noticed something that made me pose the question. I married him for love but, sadly, soon discovered my mistake. Obviously, the statute for such things has long ran out ... and considering his position in the community, I didn't - and still don't - feel I would be treated fairly if I were to contact someone for help with all the issues in our relationship, which included emotional and mental abuse. Someone from his past did tell me about certain things he did during their relationship and things he hid and got away with. He once even told me (and laughed about it) of an ex who called the police to tell them he was harrassing her, but since the responding officers worked with him, nothing was done about it and it made her look like a fool! I know he will never admit to anyone to having this disease ... but now he is back with an ex wife whom I'm quite certain knows nothing about it. I have confronted him and made it clear that he is legally and morally bound to tell her - or anyone else he chooses to have a relationship with. He ignores me. I suppose my only question at this point is this: If his other ex currently resides in another state and the two of us still reside in Texas, is it illegal in any way for me to advise her? I haven't asked anyone from his past about whether or not they contracted it or knew about it for fear of any legal issues it could cause me if it somehow got back to him. No one else should have to suffer because of him. Besides the disease itself, the depression of knowing you have to live with this disease and make it known to others if you even think of wanting to try another relationship is more than enough. In addition to the abuse he dished out to me, he was physically abusive towards his son. His son is over the age of 18 now but still afraid of his father. Others witnessed some of the physical abuse towards his son. Our divorce was finalized earlier this year and, unfortunately, I am still living in his house due to medical issues and the difficulty of finding employment. He has made it clear that I am to be out of his house by the end of this month and I know he has that right; however, his abuse towards me continues on a daily basis. I am about to lose everything I own and know he is working to see that I do. He didn't come right out and admit to the fact but when I told him he has never even told me WHY he's doing all of this and that he has NO reason whatsoever for doing so, he simply said he will never tell me the reason. I am at a loss at this point .... my heart goes out to his other ex wife right now. She NEEDS to be told. And maybe he has already told her ... I pray he has so she can protect herself. But what if he hasn't? I've considered addressing our county Sheriff (his boss) and also our county Judge (a friend of his). I don't feel either of these officials are unfair and/or unjust in other situations, but I'm afraid to risk it right now. I've called a few attorneys in our city only to be told there's nothing I can do. And when I've mentioned who his employer is and how long he has worked there, I've even heard, "I can see how that could really cause some issues for you .... I sure wish you the best of luck!" I would so much appreciate any feedback. Thank you!

Asked on 6/04/10, 4:02 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

This is a very long posting, but I don't see your question. If your divorce was finalized over 30 days ago, then the court has lost jurisdiction. (Unless you were defrauded in some way, which I do not see in your posting). It sounds as if you have an unpleasant situation, but unfortunately, your issues were not presented to the court to respond. It appears to be too late now.

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Answered on 6/07/10, 10:17 am

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