Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Texas

roomates mom is landlord

I moved into my friends house about 4 months ago. His mother is our landlord and a very good one at that. My friend ''Steve'' has become very ruling as far as the house goes. And will demand things be done to the house at absurd hours of the night. Just recently demanding i wake up and take the carpet out of my room at 1:30 in the morning. He doesnt clear any of this with his mother. He also shuts off the electricity in the house so that only his room has electricity at night. I know there has to be a law against him doing this. We both pay rent, we both pay the bills, and his brother also lives with us. *not paying anything though* Any suggestions?

Asked on 5/10/03, 2:54 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Cheryl Rivera Smith The Smith Law Firm

Re: roomates mom is landlord

Sounds like the guy has a screw loose. I'd move. This is a family deal and its going to be tough. Aside complaining to his mother...or...going to small claims court ...why don't you have a heart-to-heart talk with Steve, tell him it would be a good idea to establish "rules" in writing you both can live with. Otherwise, as the late Ann Landers said, "ask yourself the question, 'are you better off with him, or without him?'"

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Answered on 5/10/03, 6:41 pm

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