Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Virginia

Seller withdraws

My husband and I sent an offer to the seller's agent, in the offer was included a letter of Aproval from the lender and it was also specified that my purchase was not contingent of us selling our house. The sellers retified it and counter it accepting offer, only change was settlement date, before my retification was delivered they witdrew stating: they are not comfortable with purcharser's ''pending'' sale of their house and lack of fully approved /underwritten loan commitment at the time of offer. Sellers then proceeded and sold their house to another buyer 20 minutes after their withdrawal.

Can I do anything about it? My offer included asking price plus 25% down. Only pending was the appraisal of their house.

Asked on 6/27/04, 9:00 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Seller withdraws

Your use of the terms "retified" and "retification" by which, apparently, you mean ratify and ratification, along with other jumbled syntax, make your question somewhat confusing.

It's not clear from your description of matters whether the seller ever actually accepted your initial offer or made a counteroffer which you then attempted to accept but failed to do so in

a timely manner.

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Answered on 6/28/04, 10:09 am

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