Legal Question in Technology Law in Washington

Porn Sites Using My Name For URLS & Keywords


I've learned that porn sites are using my name and a name of part of my website for urls to their sites as well as keywords.

I'm not sure if this belongs under computer law or intellectual property as it seems to violate both, but I don't know what to do about this matter or if there is anything I can do. I don't appreciate the use of my name in relation to porn site and I would like them to cease and desist.

I don't have a lot of money for a lawyer, and again I don't know if I have the right to do anything.

If anyone knows what I can do please advise.

Asked on 12/16/02, 7:10 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hermann Law Office of Michael Hermann

Re: Porn Sites Using My Name For URLS & Keywords

Depends. If your name is something like Tom Smith, your probably out of luck. If it is unique and identifiable (or famous!), then your in luck.

As for the links and urls, this is not clear. They would need permission to link to your site,and if they copied information from your site, it may be actionable under copyright law.

The keywords would have to be your intellectual property (Tradename/trademarks/identifiable logos, etc.) for you to have a remedy. If the words they use are common terms, no luck. If you can show actual damages, however, (loss of business, reputation damage, etc. you may have an action under tort law in your state. Try the small claims court in WA. I believe they have raised the damage limit amount and you can handle it yourself. )See NOLO PRESS @ NOLO.COM for legal advice for the layman going pro se (do it yourself) Good luck.

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Answered on 12/17/02, 4:59 pm

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