Legal Question in Business Law in Wisconsin

how to get rid of a partner in a limited liability company

i work for a limited liability company. my boss is

currently in divorce procedures with his wife, and wants

to take her name off the llc papers. he did buy her out.

how can we do this? i'm his assistant. thanks!

Asked on 9/06/02, 8:40 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Thomas Schober Schober Schober & Mitchell, S.C.

Re: how to get rid of a partner in a limited liability company

There are two ways your boss's ex-wife's name could

be removed from the LLC: 1. The LLC could redeem

her interest, and 2. Your Boss could buy her out.

There is different paperwork and tax treatment for

each method. The transfer of the LLC interest

would require and "Assignment" to be drafted, which

she would have to sign.

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Answered on 9/09/02, 9:09 am

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