Legal Question in Criminal Law in Alabama

Recieving stolen property

My fiance and I were arguing. He left in my car. I called the police in Illinois and they had filed my car as stolen. He was arrested in Alabama in my car. Charged with recieving stolen property. I have had the auto theft charges in Illinois. He is now in county jail in Alabama for the above listed charge. How can I help him out of this? Is it possible for me to drop the charges against him? What are my legal rights in this?

Asked on 6/04/01, 9:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Walter Blocker Walter l. Blocker, III P.C.

Re: Recieving stolen property

you need to get an attorney on this matter immediately. even though you seemed to have been able to get the stolen car report taken out of ncic, there is still a police report somewhere in illinois regarding the stolen car report. ala will want to prosecute him based on the initial report. an attorney can probably help, but action needs to be taken asap. 205-879-9595

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Answered on 7/08/01, 8:00 pm

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