Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

I am accused of terrorist threat aginst my wife does it really matter if I'm clean shaved or will it matter if I go to court tomarrow with a longer goatty

Asked on 8/30/09, 12:52 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Marshall Law Office of Robert L, Marshall

Ask your lawyer. Are you starting a jury trial or appearing before a judge? Your appearance is important in both cases, but juries are even more likely than a judge to be influenced by your dress, grooming or demeanor.

I tell clients to dress and behave as if they are going for a very important job interview. If you're charged with a felony and the interview goes badly, your next job might be making license plates at Folsom Prison for sixty cents an hour.

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Answered on 8/30/09, 1:08 pm
David M. Wallin Law Offices OF David M. Wallin

None of that really matters much, if at all. Obviously wear appropriate clothing but what you really need is a defense. If you don't have one yet, get an attorney. A 422pc charge could be a strike case and is taken very seriously by the D.A.'s should take it as seriously.

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Answered on 8/30/09, 1:10 pm

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