Legal Question in Personal Injury in California

My daughter has a 504 because of a previous injury and the school was given all of the info and requirements involving my daughters leg disability & a ankle sprain.One of my daughters teachers uses a cinderblock to keep the door & one day she opened the door to class & right in the walk way was the cinderblock & she smashed her foot(the one that was previously injured) on the block & the foot/ankle started to swell & bleed & she was in serious pain. The teacher was not in the room & my daughter limped over to the nurse and when she got back to class with ice & a bandade the teacher was know walking class & my daughter told him what happened but he just rolled his eyes & didnt move the block for 3 days. I brought my daughter to an orthepitus and she is know in a leg cast & needs P.T.

Additional information

When we met with the principal of the school after the injury she said that the school is responsible and the district will pay for the medical bills and that she wrote in email and said in person that the class has had the cinderblock for 20 years and no one has ever gotten hurt.

know the school is trying to get my daughter to leave the teachers class and not giving her any good options of classes to switch her into and dont feel comfortable with teacher especially since he hasnt apologized and when she came to school with the cast tried to get my daughter to move heavy things in the class with her cruchs and cast

Asked on 11/14/11, 8:07 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

George Shers Law Offices of Georges H. Shers

I do not know what your question is.

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Answered on 11/14/11, 8:17 pm

You haven't asked any question.

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Answered on 11/14/11, 10:05 pm
Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates

There is a 6 month requirement to file a claim against the school.

My law firm handles slip and fall / trip and fall cases all over the state of California. You can read about these cases at If you want to discuss your case, you may call me for a free consultation at 800-816-1529 x. 1.

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Answered on 11/15/11, 1:10 am

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