Legal Question in DUI Law in Colorado

1st Time Dui - What to expect?

My boyfriend was pulled over and was arrested in Washington County for DUI. His breath test result was .155 - This is his 1st DUI, and overall his driving record is pretty much clean. How long is he looking at losing his license? What are his chances at getting a red license for getting to and from work? And also what kind of sentencing will he expect from the Judge? - JAIL TIME, fines, classes etc. We do not have the money to hire an attorney and he is going to plea guilty. Is there anything he can do from now until his court date to help him not get such a harsh punishment? He has definitely learned his lesson and is truly sorry he drank and drove. Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Asked on 10/16/07, 3:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: 1st Time Dui - What to expect?

The DMV will suspend his license for three months. He may apply for a probationary license which if granted would allow him to drive to work, school, or medical appointments, but not elsewhere.

The mandatory minimum sentence on a first-time DUI is five days, but that may be suspended if he agrees to alcohol education classes and likely an agreement not to drink alcohol for a year. He can help keep himself out of jail by not waiting to be ordered to classes, and start right away.

Good luck to him.

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Answered on 10/16/07, 11:26 pm

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