Legal Question in Family Law in Florida


How does a person have to sign divorce papers after they are served.

Asked on 8/08/07, 11:40 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Stewart Michael D. Stewart

Re: Divorce

You can fight for your rights in the case in court.

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Answered on 8/08/07, 12:30 pm

Re: Divorce

If you have just been served with the petition, you have 20 days to respond. If you are not going to consult an attorney, at least get some help at your local courthouse with the paperwork required to respond. If the response/answer has already been prepared by the other party's attorney and you agree with absolutely everything in the petition and the answer, follow the instructions that should be included in an enclosed letter.

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Answered on 8/08/07, 1:02 pm
Scott R. Jay Law Offices of Scott R. Jay

Re: Divorce

NOTE: This communication is not intended as and should not be interpreted as legal advice. Rather, it is intended solely as a general discussion of legal principles. You should not rely on or take action based on this communication without first presenting ALL relevant details to a competent attorney in your jurisdiction and then receiving the attorney's individualized advice for you. By reading the "Response" to your question or comment, you agree that the opinion expressed is not intended to, nor does it, create any attorney-client relationship, nor does it constitute legal advice to any person reviewing such information, nor will it be considered an attorney-client privileged communication. If you do not agree, then stop right here, and do not read any further.

A person served with divorce papers does not sign them after they are served. In fact, you must file a response to the petition if you want to have any say in what happens. You can find sample forms online at the Florida Supreme Court's website at:

Choose the appropriate form and modify it to fit your particular case. Alternatively, you should meet with an attorney and obtain advice and perhaps representation in the divorce.

Scott R. Jay, Esq.

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Answered on 8/08/07, 1:50 pm

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