Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

I am in the state of Florida, I am the father of a 1 y/o boy who is my everything, I am 44 and his mother is 25, we are not together and never really were a couple for any longer than a few months. DNA test, he is absolutly mine. I went to a child support hearing for the DOR and she didn't even show up. I have my son for 3 overnight stays and she has 4 overnights. I filed for paternity and for related relief, she had 20 days to respond and she did not, I filed for a motion of default, in the meantime she was kicked out of her apt. and is currently residing with a family ( renting a room ) she has 2 county evictions in the past five years, this recent one wasn't actually an eviction, her landlord just asked her to leave ( month to month ) the judical asst. for the judge said they were 3 months backlogged, I filed a motion to have my case heard by a general magistrate, can't get an answer on a court date until 8/2/10, she has not notified the courts or myself as to where she is living, my sons first birthday is 7/24/10 ( this saturday ) and the parenting plan, that she is in default of, states half the day for each parent and she is saying that she wont be bringing the child by until 7-8 pm, I have family and friends coming over for a birthday party and this is ruining my plans. ..... she also has a 6 y/o daughter that her mother has been raising 250+ miles away since the child was 11 months ( until she gets her stuff together ) how long does it take to get you stuff together and will the Judge even allow that to be heard ? I am a homeowner and she has consistently proven to be unstable with her living arrangments and her desire to be a parent with her first child.... Can she keep violating the court and the parenting plan and get away with it ? Will the court think that she is unstable ? I can't afford an Attorney, I have been using a Paralegal service and filing my own papers........ PLEASE SOMEONE OFFER SOME ADVICE AND OR ANSWERS................. Thank You.....

Asked on 7/21/10, 8:14 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Carmen Demapan Blind Ear Law Group, PA.

I understand the crowdedness of the court log as I've seen this on a daily basis. First of all, you mention that you filed a Motion for Default in your paternity action. Did the default get entered? If it did get entered, then you should be able to proceed with scheduling the matter for a final uncontested hearing, which is typically scheduled with the judicial assistant on a week to week basis. Special set hearings are what the courts are crowded with but their normal uncontested calendar typically requires 7 working days to schedule for a hearing.

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Answered on 7/21/10, 11:49 am
Lucreita Becude Lucreita D. Becude, P.A.

Your paralegal is not an attorney and you are spinning you wheels. Get the Default entered, set the uncontested hearing and be done with it.

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Answered on 7/21/10, 12:19 pm

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