Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Florida

Tenant forced to give up a bedroom

Is it Legal or even moral in the state of Florida for my landlord to request I eithier rent the make shift efficency in my home or give up the room so she can move someone in .We rent a 3/2 ,one bedroom has been converted to an effiecency ,with a restroom and small kitchnette.the lease states that we are renting the house ,we are two women and a child and do not want strange people living in our home ,we declined to rent the room for 600.extra .She has agreeded in the past to rent the room under those circumstance's ,are we obligated to allow this ?is this legal this is a part of our home and is not in the lease agreement ,although we have discussed this prior verbally.we are not in agreement and have a legal document that makes no mention to us renting only a part of the house it states the entire address .Can she make us move our belongings out of that room especially since we use that restroom for showers and the toilet ,due to her not making repairs needed in the main restroom .We are only two months into the lease please help ,desperate and scared.

Asked on 5/19/09, 10:03 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alan Wagner Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore P.A.

Re: Tenant forced to give up a bedroom

If your lease agreement covers the entire house -- including the room that has been converted to an efficiency -- then the landlord cannot lease it to someone and cannot force you to lease it to someone. If the lease document does not cover the efficiency, then the landlord can lease it, but I don't think that she could do so without your permission if the only access to the efficiency would be for people to come trapsing through your leased space to get to the efficiency. She would need to provide a seperate entrance to the efficiency room.

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Answered on 5/20/09, 11:31 am

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